September 3, 2024

10 Best YouTube Channels for Learning Mandarin Chinese

At Immersi, we believe that the best way to learn Mandarin Chinese is to watch and listen to content that you find genuinely interesting. Here are 10 YouTube channels that are 100% in Chinese that we think are great for learning. We’ve arranged the channels by approximate level so you can find something perfect to watch whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner.

Beginner Chinese YouTube Channels

1. Lazy Chinese - Comprehensible Input

If you're looking for videos with clear pronunciation and slow dialogue, Lazy Chinese has you covered. This channel is perfect for new learners. Suqing from Lazy Chinese uses hand gestures that help explain words you might not be familiar with, and has crystal clear enunciation. Their videos are typically about short stories or casual conversation topics, and contain helpful images to provide more context. Their motto: "Learn Chinese the lazy but smart way".

2. Grace Mandarin Chinese

Grace from Grace Mandarin Chinese produces a ton of insightful videos on different tips and tricks focused on learning Mandarin. As a graduate student at NTU studying teaching Chinese as a second language, she has a lot of unique linguistic insights on the best ways to improve tones, learn new vocab, and more. Besides her typical educational style videos, she also has travel vlogs where she’ll travel around to different locations while speaking only in Chinese. Her videos are very well produced and she’s one of the most popular creators on this list.

3. Blabla Chinese - Comprehensible Input

Amber from Blabla Chinese is a full-time Chinese teacher with years of teaching experience. She makes casual conversational videos on a variety of topics covering everything from coffee to how to pack a suitcase, she hosts podcasts, and she does deep dives into stories. We particularly like her "Love Story In Cafe" series, which contains 30+ videos all on an original love story.

Intermediate Chinese YouTube Channels

4. Story Learning Chinese with Annie

Annie is a Chinese teacher from Beijing and is an amazing storyteller. She makes videos in a variety of styles, from vlogs where she’ll walk around a city and narrate what she sees, to story series where she’ll narrate books for beginners. We love her for her high-quality videos, slow pronunciation and hand gestures, and authentic storytelling.

5. talkinchinese_redred

Redred specializes in travel vlogs where she’ll talk exclusively at a specific HSK level. She has videos walking around Guangzhou, Harbin, Chengdu, Xinjiang, and many more places! Besides her vlogs, she also has plenty of story videos where she’ll narrate a picture book in a slow and comprehensible way. In total, she has over 200 videos on her channel.

6. Chinese Podcast with Shenglan

We love Shenglan’s vlog style videos that show a realistic look at life in China. Some of her video topics include whether or not Chinese people prefer buying vs renting, are electric cars popular in China, how do people survive winter in China, and so much more. We've learned a whole lot about modern Chinese life by watching her videos. The videos are suitable for intermediate to advanced level learners, with most videos being HSK4 to HSK5 in level.

7. Dashu Mandarin

Dashu Mandarin hosts a weekly podcast aimed at intermediate to advanced level learners. Topics include recent events in the news, discussions around language learning, modern Chinese culture, and more. Each podcast typically has 2-4 guests, and are great for listening to a ton of natural conversation. Dashu also has over 400 videos, so you can be sure that you'll never run out of learning content.

Advanced (Native) Chinese YouTube Channels

8. Magic Ingredients

If you want to learn Chinese while simultaneously learning mouth-watering recipes, Magic Ingredients has you covered. They have over 300 videos on their channel, featuring recipes from a variety of cuisines, from traditional Chinese cooking to European deserts. They speak very clearly in their videos, so if you’re an intermediate or above level learner give them a shot! You may be able to comprehend more than you’d expect.

9. Jovane PJY

Jovane is a popular travel and lifestyle vlogger with over 300k subscribers. She covers fashion, food, travel, and more! Her videos all have a relaxing aesthetic, and she’ll typically include recap narrations in her videos which are particularly helpful for being exposed to continuous streams of Chinese input.

10. 7 years travel

Alex and Mia are a Chinese couple that love to travel around the world. In each location they visit, they not only show you what it’s like to be a tourist, but they also dive deep into the culture and people that live there. They’ll frequently do interviews with people that live in each country they visit, and talk about their hopes and struggles. We’d recommend watching this channel if you’re a fairly advanced learner, as they do use a lot of difficult vocabulary and cover some complex topics.

Watch These Channels On Immersi

We hope you find these YouTube channels helpful in your Chinese learning journey! If you'd like to watch videos from these creators with in-app translations, dynamic video recommendations based on your level, and convenient vocab review lists, check out Immersi at the links below. It’s 100% free to use daily with no ads!

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